Queensbury, New York Speed Traps

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Exit 20 onramp S/B

Queensbury, New YorkAug 17, 20110 Comments

If you drove past exit 20 southbound on I-87, it’s too late. trooper sits on left shoulder of the onramp with laser. Bam …. You’ve been had!
Sneaky b@st@rds.

Meadowbrook Road

Queensbury, New YorkOct 14, 20100 Comments

There is always a sheriff car somewhere on Meadowbrook Rd., normally on the north end, is where they like to park. Perfectly straight road makes it easy for them to see you coming.

Sunnyside Rd near Bay Rd

Queensbury, New YorkAug 13, 20100 Comments

The unmarked Black Cruiser that is out only to give tickets sits on the right hand side just past the field opening tucked in the grassy area it is very hard to see him. This spot is new for 2010, I have gotten 2 tickets on this road but that was a few years ago cause these cops are bad gotta make that Quota!! They say that’s not true but when you know sheriffs and troopers personally who have been working there now for some time and they say they are told to get so many a day, well there ya go!!!!

Aviation Road

Queensbury, New YorkMar 20, 20100 Comments

In the parking lot of the fire station there is a local sheriff’s car parked a lot of days. He tucks back beside the building so he can’t be seen until it’s too late.

Firehouse on VanDusen Rd. off of Luzerne Rd.

Queensbury, New YorkMar 08, 20100 Comments

Cop car sits in driveway on either side or in front usually a couple times per week. Could be in the early morning, between 4:00 and 6:00PM , or dusk.

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