Salem, New York Speed Traps

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Rt. 22 North bound, at village boundry of Salem

Salem, New YorkJun 22, 20110 Comments

As you near village, sign announces "Village of Salem, speed 30 MPH"
as you immediately come up on rise in road, police sit there, shoot you with radar gun, befor you have time to slow down.

State Route 153/East Broadway

Salem, New YorkSep 22, 20050 Comments

Hwy Patrol parks in a location less than 1/8th mile from point that speed limit abruptly changes from 55 mph to 30 mph without prior warning as one enters the outskirts of Salem, enabling them to clock unsuspecting motorists the moment they hit the speed trap. There are two 30 mph speed limit signs; however, one is partially covered by a town sign ("Salem")and the next is positioned so as to be difficult to see in afternoon lighting conditions. Obvioulsy, police have found this spot to be very lucrative, as it is extremely easy to miss the signs and very little time to reduce speed by 25 mph before radar is operative.

anywhere on Rt 22, north or south for 15 miles in either direction

Salem, New YorkDec 01, 20011 Comments

The State Police, there is a Barracks just south of the Village of Salem, and all Rt. 22. The place is full of Police, both locals, County Sheriff, and State. They will get you at the drop of a hat for ANYTHING. If you have out of state plates, NJ, VT, MA, your had, its that simple.

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