Skaneateles, New York Speed Traps

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Abandoned Gas Station

Skaneateles, New YorkApr 12, 20090 Comments

At the abandoned gas station on the corner of W. Genesee and Franklin. Right at the bottom of the hill coming into the village. Right inside the 30MPH zone.

Skaneateles Fire Station

Skaneateles, New YorkApr 12, 20090 Comments

Parked on the far side of the fire station in a 30MPH zone. Usually weekends during the summer.

Pedestrian Crossing

Skaneateles, New YorkApr 12, 20090 Comments

Undercover police officers will attempt to cross the road in the many crosswalks downtown. If you fail to yield to them, they will radio the patrol car down the road. Not necessarily a speed trap, but something to be aware of.

US Highway 321 near Fish Hatchery

Skaneateles, New YorkJan 16, 20081 Comments

State Police are always sitting in the entrance of Carpenters Brook Fish Hatchery on Route 321. Usually at night. Speed limit is 45 through there but rarely followed.

State Route 20 near Chessnut Circle

Skaneateles, New YorkDec 02, 20050 Comments

Skaneateles "Rent a cop" in Chesnut Circle as you are heading down the hill into the village shortly after the traffic light. (Can be seen at night when street lights on)

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