Troy, New York Speed Traps

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Campbell Ave

Troy, New YorkJan 01, 20020 Comments

Police park at the Fire Station, Mario’s Lot and Dave’s Nursery. The Troy Police sit in these locations shooting radar in both directions. On a given day ten to twenty people are stopped. If you are coming from Spring Avenue be espically careful because you can not see them till it’s to late.

Hoosick Street

Troy, New YorkDec 01, 20010 Comments

As you are driving up Hoosick St. in Troy, (or driving down), I take this road almost everyday and I see at least one person a day pulled over on Hoosick St. Cops in Troy are sneaky and they’ll pull anyone going even 5 mph over on this street. A 30 mph zone by the way.

Rt. 7 changing from "Interstate" to Hoosick St. in Troy

Troy, New YorkSep 01, 20000 Comments

Highway abruptly turns into street and goes from 55 to 30 mph. Very easy to not slow down at the exact point this changes and get caught. I got a 42 in a 30 ticket here, only ticket I’ve had in the last 10 years. When I went up for my court date 8 months later, 72 people were there contesting similar charges from the same day and location.

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