Waddington, New York Speed Traps

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State Highway 37 at the Roadway Leading to Waddington (Iroquois) Dam

Waddington, New YorkFeb 25, 20100 Comments

Both state police & border patrol back in where they are hidden by trees from both directions. And several times a year set up road blocks at this location.

State Highway 37 near Riverview of Waddington Motel

Waddington, New YorkMar 18, 20080 Comments

Located at the Big Sucker Brook rest/recreation area.
This is not at all times a speed trap–and the speed is the state limit of 55, but I wanted stress the importance of this stop. Many times a joint effort of State Police and Border Patrol have a huge traffic stop to check for inspections, *contraband, etc. Targets semis, Canadians & out of staters, although everyone has to go through the stop for a quick peek/question.

Another benefit of the Patriot Act and the Department of Homeland Security.

State Highway 37 near LINCOLN Avenue

Waddington, New YorkMar 18, 20080 Comments

State police & sometimes Border Patrol in marked vehicles (car & suv) routinely sit in the parking lot of the Methodist Church in the middle of the village targeting people who do not slow down for the village speed limit. They are hidden by part of the building and a sign, so it is a good sneaky spot. This area is notorious, however, for semis & out of towners still going 55-65mph through the village.

State police & Border Patrol sit in the east side of Marshall�s IGA parking lot targeting people still speeding when they enter the village. This spot seems to target out of staters and Canadians more than locals.

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