Watertown, New York Speed Traps

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Route 12 at Seven Bridges Scenic Outlook

Watertown, New YorkApr 05, 20130 Comments

Speed Trap is located at the scenic outlook at Seven Bridges (Perch Lake/Perch River). This location is after the Jefferson County Recycle if moving towards Watertown from Depauville, and as you would be descending the hill after passing Star School House Road in the opposite direction. Radar is able to be shot as soon as you peak the hills from each direction.

IHC High School on Ives Street

Watertown, New YorkApr 17, 20100 Comments

Cars heading north towards Watertown need to obey the school zone speed limit of 15 mph. It is not uncommon to see a patrol car sitting in the school parking lot. The speed limit goes from 55 to 30 to 15 very quickly, so be careful.

Pearl Street in front of the Air Brake

Watertown, New YorkMar 05, 20100 Comments

The city patrols shoot radar from the Air Brake parking lot. They can get traffic leaving the city or coming in from Fort Drum. They can also cover the traffic light at the Pearl-Main-Starbuck intersection and the crosing light into the Air Brake parking lot.

eastern Boulevard near huntington Street

Watertown, New YorkMar 19, 20080 Comments

Look out here, the speed limit is 30mph and it is fairly easy to go 45mph without even knowing because it is so open. Cops sit in the upper parking lot across from the cable company almost all the time. Trust me I KNOW THIS!

State Route 11 South near Routes 37 and 11 meet

Watertown, New YorkFeb 28, 20080 Comments

County Sheriff parks at North pole fire dept. Speed limit is 45 mph. They catch a lot of speeders gaining speed coming out of Watertown.

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