Asheville, North Carolina Speed Traps

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I-40 MM 24 Lake Junaluska area

Asheville, North CarolinaApr 08, 20120 Comments

I drove past the mother of all speed traps the other day. As I drove eastbound on I40 toward MM24, I passed 4) Haywood County officers with cars stopped on the westbound side all within 1 mile of each other. Then my V1 began alerting as I got closer to exit 24, and I spotted another Haywood County cruiser hiding on the westbound on-ramp. Then I noticed yet another of the same on the bridge over the interstate hitting cars going both ways as they approached and passed. Then as I continued past Exit 24 eastbound I saw two more cruisers with cars stopped on the eastbound side.

Woodfin, North Carolina

Asheville, North CarolinaNov 23, 20110 Comments

Hwy 251 (Riverside Dr) north of water treatment plant, speed limit was 55-2 months ago, now is 35. Speed Trap or ?? No warning and police set in blind spots. Be careful, you have no recourse if limit is posted.

Just before exit 50 going East on I40

Asheville, North CarolinaSep 07, 20101 Comments

Early mornings, police unit backs up in trees just ahead of overpass – hard to see in the dark. He catches several people every morning almost.

I-26 north of Asheville – just before Newstock Rd exit

Asheville, North CarolinaSep 07, 20102 Comments

As you crest the hill on I-26 the local PD parks just on the other side of the bridge hidden from from view. I’ve seen a number of people pulled there.

Sand Hill Rd

Asheville, North CarolinaSep 07, 20100 Comments

Right at the I40 overpass, the speed limit is 35.

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