Boiling Springs, North Carolina Speed Traps

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E College Ave (NC150) near SECU

Boiling Springs, North CarolinaDec 08, 20230 Comments

BSPD has a new blacked out Tahoe that runs radar on E College near the hotel and credit union. It’s a long 35mph straightaway and he appears out of nowhere. Only seen it at night.

South Main St

Boiling Springs, North CarolinaSep 21, 20220 Comments

BSPD sits in the old Hardee’s parking lot in front of Gardner Webb University. It’s mainly the slick top gray charger. From what I’ve been told he has the latest and greatest radar and LiDAR and don’t cut any breaks. Watch out as it changes from 25 to 35 or vise versa depending on which way you’re going.

Between Napa Auto Parts and Turner Trucking (E College Ave)

Boiling Springs, North CarolinaFeb 19, 20110 Comments

They sit tucked back in between Napa and Turner trucking so that you cannot see them until you’ve passed the loading docks at Turner, when you’re coming in to town. They usually set up in the evening, I always see them coming home from Shelby.

N.C. 150

Boiling Springs, North CarolinaMay 11, 20100 Comments

Just east of Main Street, and east of G.T. McSwain Hardware.

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