Cary, North Carolina Speed Traps
Harrison Avenue near Dynasty Drive
Cary PD regularly stations motorcycle and/or cars to trap the southbound traffic coming down the hill from the Reddy Creek intersection. Northbound traps have not been noted.
E.Dynasty Drive near Evans Road
Coming off Evans onto Dynasty towards Harrison Ave. CPD motorcycle likes to side on the left side of the road at the bottom of a steep hill. Easy to go past 45 by coasting and not using gas. Speed limit is 25.
Sudbury Road near Gorecki Court
CPD cars sit at the intersection of Sudbury and Gorecki which is located near Oak Hallow Apts. It’s a long wide road with a speed limit of 25 so it’s essy to get up to 40.
Two Creeks Road near High Meadow Drive
There is a road cut through near Selwyn Drive near High Meadow Drive on Two Creeks where several units will sit and wait. When patrolled there are about 3-4 units that rotate and stop speeders. They are fairly well hidden and the units include a mix of cars and cycles. On the average, I see them stop about 10 people every hour they are out there. This is on the average of 2-3 times a month.
US Highway 1 South/North near Walnut Street
From just north of Walnut St. to Cary Parkway. Multiple State Tropper Cruisers and Motorcycles. A vehicle often sits on the south bound side just south of Walnut St. right where the metal gaurdrail meets the cement divider in the median, a motorcycle can tuck in there and is hardly visible until it is too late. This road goes to 4 lanes at this point and should be 65mph, it is 55mph. It does not go to 65mph until just south of Cary Parkway.