Charlotte, North Carolina Speed Traps
I-485 Exit 23, under I-77 bridge
NCSHP Charger hides under the I-77 bridge, barely coming into view as you exit from I-77 towards I-485 Inner or are in I-485 Inner traffic. Parked next to a support pillar hidden from I-485 Inner traffic. Spotted during morning hours.
Community House Rd past Ballantyne Commons
There are 6 – 8 unmarked police cars and motorcycles hiding along Community House Road as you approach the 485 bridge. They are in this location regularly.
Clanton Rd. / West Blvd.
Police car parked on median approx. one block before West Blvd. heading North.
I-485 Northbound by Moore’s Chapel exit
SHP cars frequently park on the side of the on-ramp to I-485 northbound. Drivers traveling south can see them from the opposite side of the highway, but they are hidden from northbound drivers.
I-77 & Tyvola Rd (Both N & S entrance ramps)
NCSHP park their Chargers on this urban interchange next to the bridge railing, monitoring traffic on I-77. They normally are not here during rush hour as speeding isn’t an issue during those hours. The NCDOT weight inspectors also use the SB ramp as a monitoring position. They are not visible from I-77 until you see the blue lights. Posted limit is 55, traffic flow off peak is 60-70, so it’s a gift.