Concord, North Carolina Speed Traps

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South Union Street near State Route

Concord, North CarolinaJan 04, 20081 Comments

City Police sit in the BaptistChurch parking lot and shoot both ways on So. Union, also sit unmarked with blacked out windows just south of Food Lion

Corban east Avenue near Stoweaway Fish House

Concord, North CarolinaDec 26, 20070 Comments

Concord City Police sit in parking lot of Stowe Away Fish House on Corban Ave.E and clock cars entering the City Limits.Speed limits changes from 55-45-35 in short span>As you cross bridge entering City limits in goes from 55-35 and it is hard to brake soon enough if you are unfamilar.

Roberta Road near Green Street

Concord, North CarolinaNov 12, 20070 Comments

Officers generally park and sit on Roberta Road in the car wash plaza. Drivers are normally coming down a slight incline on Roberta Road and it is impossible to go 35 mph without tapping the brakes. Beware, as the officers know this too, and you may find yourself with a ticket as many others have in this location.

US Highway 29 near Philip Morris

Concord, North CarolinaAug 20, 20070 Comments

Concord "Speed Enforcement" cars do a circuit from the Pitt School Rd. up toward Wal-mart, focusing on the stretch in front of the Philip Morris facility. They tend to avoid the times when PM traffic is high (i.e. 7am & 3pm) but the rest of the day, they can be seen cruising this stretch, particularly at the end of the month.

Copperfield Boulevard near Exit Number 60

Concord, North CarolinaMar 08, 20070 Comments

Mostly Patrolled by a Cabarrus County City Officer in marked and unmarked vehicles. They will be Shooting "Constant" and "Instant On" k Band Radar. I’ve seen mostly "IO".
The officer sits in a small area right off the main road right across from the medical centers as your approaching Concord Mall. Be very careful! this is where it suddenly drops from 45mph to 35mph. When you see the Bright Orange 35mph sign that will be the area. You’ll also notice that they run Speed trailers there often as well.

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