Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina Speed Traps

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Wilbon Rd between Eagle River Dr and Broad St

Fuquay-Varina, North CarolinaMay 02, 20191 Comments

Speed limit is reduced to 35 but much of this stretch of road is rural and drivers expect the limit to be faster based on road design, surroundings, and other nearby roads.

New Judd Parkway opening

Fuquay-Varina, North CarolinaAug 19, 20110 Comments

Half of road is 45 mph dropping to 35 mph for other half. Police cruiser parks in blind curve to sweep down on those going over the 35. Whole road is four lane with no business or homes opening onto the road, which causes a false sense of security for the driver and is a revenue maker for the gov.

Broad St. between Home Depot & N. Ennis St. (R.R. Crossing)

Fuquay-Varina, North CarolinaMay 20, 20100 Comments

Speed limit is 25MPH from Home Depot through Varina Downtown to past High School. Patrol car will wait by warehouse buildings & blends into background.

State Highway 401 near Medow Ln Crossing

Fuquay-Varina, North CarolinaSep 13, 20081 Comments

401 near Quality equipment north and south bound lanes. Sometime there may be two or more police cars in the same area running radar.

South Main Street near Downtown

Fuquay-Varina, North CarolinaJun 08, 20070 Comments

This trap is on South Main street, traveling north toward the downtown business district. The Speed limit is 45mph then with only one sign in place it changes to 25 mph. This road is a steep downhill grade and the cops sit at the bottom or just out of sight on the other side, by the time you get to the second 25mph speed limit sign you have already be clocked. The local cops work this day and night, they just got a state money grant and must issue lots of speeding tickets to get more money. Anyone getting a ticket should contest the ticket cause a friend found out they use uncertified officers to write tickets and the equipment doesnt meet the state certification requirement. All tickets that are contested are usually dropped to hide this. good luck

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