Hickory, North Carolina Speed Traps
Highway 127
The Police sit just down from the Goodwill Store on N. Center St. in Hickory. It is a 35 mph zone. It changed from 45 mph just a few blocks north.
US Highway 321 near US Highway 127 exit
Around curve just after speed limit drops from 65 to 55 on 321N at Hwy 127 exit which is just before I-40 intersection. Highway Patrol hides around curve, impossible to see until too late
Tate Boulevard near Performance Drive
Tate Blvd is probably one of the most enforced speed limits in all of Hickory. I honestly could not beleive it has not been posted here yet. Usually located between McDonald Parkway and Fairgrove Church Road on Tate Blvd. This is a four lane road with few traffic lights. Hickory PD sits in the median or on the shoulder of Tate Blvd. Speed limit is 45. Be cautious about your speed after cresting the hill near the Hart Industrial Clinic.
US Highway 70 SE near Startown Road
Hickory has long been known for teenagers and young people cruising on weekend nights on Hwy 70 which is the main strip through Hickory. Enforcement of the traffic laws are enforced regulary throughout the day but on weekend nights patrols are stepped up more rigorously. In the local paper a while back it was reported that Hickory was getting a 4 or 5 man Traffic Enforcement Unit being deployed this summer. This will surely add to the sea of blue lights on Hwy 70 and more checkpoints. As a resident, I am thankful for more officers out there and I know it will send some teens home with a couple hundred dollars in traffic fines each night. But if you can afford the gas to "cruise" still these days I guess you can afford a ticket.
US Highway 70 near US Highway 40
hickory P.D. sit underneath the overpass of u.s. 40. clocking speeders in both directions. It is a blind spot if you are traveling west.