High Point, North Carolina Speed Traps

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triangle lake Road near curve near 3404 on triangle lake Road

High Point, North CarolinaOct 06, 20070 Comments

need to watch the snakey park curve on triangle lake road near 3404, they speed so bad around that curve some almost lose control of cars. right below the weslyn church and city buiding. very dangerous. need to sit and watch somewhere like at homeelegance building.lot more action going on too. that crime stoppers need to be concern about. such as drug actions going on. bad…. thanks concern citizen.

311 Bypass

High Point, North CarolinaAug 27, 20070 Comments

311 Bypass speed limit goes from 65 to 60 as you enter HP city limits. Then goes down again to 55 near Kivett Drive exit. Then goes down again to 45 as whole road exits onto Business 85. Road is new, and was built to handle more traffic than is usually on it, and it’s very easy to drive above the posted speed limit. Police use marked cars, unmarked cars, and motorcycle cops to patrol this area. Cops frequently sitting in median behind bridge supports, or on exit ramps. Be careful all along this stretch, but especially in the area where it goes down to 55 and 45 mph. A lot of the traffic doesn’t slow down there, and the cops patrol that area.

Skeet Club Road near braddock Road

High Point, North CarolinaMar 28, 20060 Comments

This Speed trap is located on skeet club rd between the Highway 68 Eastchester Rd intersection and the braddock rd intersection. The cops sit behind the pinetrees in the Deep River Park parking lot. They are impossible to see if you are traveling in the direction toward Wendover Ave. Be Carefull!

Whites Mill Road

High Point, North CarolinaApr 12, 20050 Comments

High Point Police run radar on Whites Mill Road on a regular basis. They sit opposit of Mill pond road and are hidden from traffic coming in both directions. Speed is 40 MPH in this area. They also sit just below this point at a dip in the road about 1000 Fort east of Mill pond which allows them to be viturally invisable unti it is too late catching people east bound. they haven got me yet but I live in the area and see them (or here the siren) on a regular basis.

311 Bypass

High Point, North CarolinaMar 03, 20050 Comments

Constant police presence on this newly opened road.. designed to avoid the traffic of downtown High Point… any time of day.. you can see city police and county sherriff cars with motorists stopped… and it’s a WIDE mostly 3 laned thoroughfare.

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