Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia Speed Traps
Sackville – Bedford Overpass (Wal-Mart Area)
One peace officer sits on top of the bridge with radar gun with police cars up the road to pull over those they catch, as they speed towards the airport.
Cemetery on Sackville Drive near Cobequid Rd.
Halifax City cops sit there in the mornings, usually after the morning rush. They have been parked at the cemetery exit/entrance closest to Cobequid Rd. I’ve gotten about a ticket a year there for the last couple of years. They seem to be quite understanding and have given reduced speeding fines.
Look Out, it sure does ruin your day.
State Highway 101 near Near Heflers Mill
Car often sits just past the turn of 101 heading west to Mt. Uniacke, on leFort……many times is sitting on gravel at end of median so that you do not see until you upon him…..usually checking vehicles heading west……
Sackville Drive near Beaverbank Road
Officers sit beside Ben’s outlet store going up Sackville Drive. They’re usually there in the early evening.
Sackville Drive near Highway from Sackville to Bedford
One officer sits by the Bus Stop while 3 Cruisers wait on the small road beside the Ultramar station. Officer gets people who are just starting to speed up to get onto the highway. The Trap is right across from the Petro Canada, at the intersection for Cobiquid Road, Old Sackville Road and Bedford. Often see 3 people at once pulled over.