Aberdeen, Ohio Speed Traps
US Highway 52
Officer frequently sits at US 52 near the West Corporation Limits off of the road way right next to a small utility station, around 500 yards from the West Corporation Limit Sign. From the road, unless you look, you can not visualize the officer, because this "drive lane that he is setting in" sets below the road. The officer also does not have any lights on. This is noticed after dark.
US Highway 52 near Main Street
Aberdeen police like to sit on side streets along HWY.52 with NO LIGHTS on at night and will write for speed or not coming to complete stops at stop signs. Obvious entrapment.
on US52 from Eagle Creek through middle of town.
Speed drops to 50 at City Limits and down to 35, watch for the Aberdeen cops from bridge to bridge, they always have someone pulled over.