Delaware, Ohio Speed Traps
US 23
State troopers work this area frequently due to the high speeds in this area. It is a 55 mph zone, however, it is not uncommon to see vheicles travelling well over 80 mph. Troopers often work in pairs with an airplane.
I-71, Exit 131 and to Columbus
I always drive very carfully in this section. If you see one patroll car (state highway)be assured there are others in the area. Not uncommon to work in pairs or more. Once I saw one poor guy geting back onto the road after getting a ticket. A few miles down the road he was passed me on my right while up ahead there was an officer standing in his lane indicatng him to pull over(again). The office did NOT have a friendly look on his face! Just because you pass a group of patrol cars doesn’t mean that is the end of them for a while!