South Vienna, Ohio Speed Traps

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US Highway 40 near State Route 54

South Vienna, OhioJun 24, 20080 Comments

As you pass through South Vienna on US 40, the speed limit drops from 55 to 50. While the road is a wide divided highway with primarily local traffic, there are a handful of private driveway entrances onto US 40 and the SR 54 intersection (which, along with are the basic reasoning for dropping the speed limit), John Law will set up either at the SR 54 intersection or at the westside Corporation Limits. Keep your speed below 55 and you should be OK.

State Route 40 near State Route 54

South Vienna, OhioMar 15, 20060 Comments

State highway inside the city limits of South Vienna.

(South Vienna, Clark County)

US Highway 40 near State Route 54

South Vienna, OhioDec 17, 20031 Comments

Speeding tickets are the Village’s primary Source of income. They had calmed down for a while but now they are as bad as they ever were. They sit on U.S. 40 around the curve in the road so you can not see them till it is too late. The only good thing is that they do not have a Mayor’s court so you at least get a fair shake at the Clark County Municipal Court. Without this income of traffic tickets, the village could not survive. The town businesses have lost a lot of business due to people now use I-70 to bypass the town so they do not get tickets. These cops would write their own mother a traffic citation SO BEWARE OF TRAVELING THROUGH THIS LITTLE VILLAGE!

Rt 40

South Vienna, OhioSep 01, 20011 Comments

My parents told me about this one ("it’s been there for years") .. after I told them about my ticket. Seems they travel this alternate route between Columbus and Springfield because it is a nice drive. Many of us want to take that "scenic" route … to speed. Bad idea. Didn’t even see the change in speed limit or the cop. He made it clear: it’s 50 MPH .. not 65.

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