Moore, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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Eastern Avenue near Main Street

Moore, OklahomaSep 30, 20070 Comments

The school zone runs from just south of Main Street on Eastern for about half a mile to near 12th Street, actually two schools involved, Moore High School and the Baptist Academy. Speed limit is 25mph with little leeway. Usually patrolled by motorcycle cops. In effect when school is in session, m~F 6:30am to 3:30pm Speed limit signs with flashing yellow lights when in effect.

19th Street near Sante Fe Avenue

Moore, OklahomaAug 29, 20070 Comments

Moore PD park their cruisers in a church driveway on the North side of 19th St between Telephone Rd and Sante Fe. It used to be just a speed trap but since the opening of Dan McGuiness’s Irish Pub, it’s a DUI waiting to happen.

Bryant Street

Moore, OklahomaAug 22, 20070 Comments

In between 34th and 19th about half way down a police officer sits on a gravel entrance on the east side of the road. Seems to sit there in the am and mid afternoon when the kids would be traveling to the Moore Norman Vo Tech.

19th Street near Broadway Street

Moore, OklahomaAug 22, 20070 Comments

A police officer sits at the corner of 19th and Broadway by the small hairstyle shop. He parks back by the fence so you can’t see him.

12th Street near Rail Road Crossing

Moore, OklahomaJun 15, 20070 Comments

Beware for police officers on 12th street on Friday and Saturday nights. If you are observed slowing down going over the rail road crossing they will pull you over for suspicious driving. I know it’s not right to cruise up and down the street but Moore is getting ridiculous with things. I did that back in high school and got so many tickets on that strip from Janeway Ave. to Eastern Ave.

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