Piedmont, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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3 miles East of Piedmont Road/HWY4 on Waterloo

Piedmont, OklahomaNov 16, 20110 Comments

Piedmont Police will hide in a ditch on the Southside of the road with their lights off approximately 3 miles East of Piedmont Road/HWY4 on Waterloo. Their jurisdiction runs until Morgan Road. They absolutely have no give and will get you for going 5 miles over the speed limit. It does not matter if you have not had a ticket in 5, 10, 15 or 20 years. If you are speeding, they will ticket you.

Edmond Rd. West of SH 3

Piedmont, OklahomaFeb 19, 20110 Comments

Trap at the bottom of hill thru a 25 MPH school zone. School is a closed campus thus no school traffic between 8:30 AM and 2:40 PM, the time you are most apt to get a ticket. I was ticked for 31 MPH $185.00

164 th Street. East of Mustang Road.

Piedmont, OklahomaOct 04, 20100 Comments

Cement Company Driveway. Can catch speeders east & west bound. Speed limits change quickly.

164 th Street.(Washinton Avenue) west of Piedmont Road.

Piedmont, OklahomaOct 04, 20100 Comments

Near the City equipment yard. Hides iin a pasture gravel driveway. Hidden by trees on east and west side.

Edmond Rd. west of Sara Rd.

Piedmont, OklahomaApr 07, 20102 Comments

On the north side of Edmond road, just west of Sara road, there is a little spot off the side of the road where the police car is hidden very well and officers frequently sit there with radar.

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