Piedmont, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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Piedmont Road near Edmond Road

Piedmont, OklahomaSep 01, 20080 Comments

policeman sits waiting in 35 mph zone for anyone going more than 5 mph over the posted speed limit. In addition, the other main throughfare into town (mustang road)is closed which forces more traffic to use piedmont road.

Edmond Road

Piedmont, OklahomaDec 01, 20070 Comments

Edmond Road from County Line where you enter Piedmont City limits all the way past Piedmont Road to the high school.

State HWY # 4 north and south of Piedmont and east and west on Edmond road for 5 miles

Piedmont, OklahomaJan 13, 20030 Comments

Alot of hiding places on busy routes and quickly changing speed limits.

248th street and 2nd street

Piedmont, OklahomaDec 30, 20020 Comments

Officers are constantly "hiding" in areas that will not be visible to drivers, ie…hills, trees, backed into vacant lots behind bushes. You see people pulled over constantly on these two roads.

county line road south from cashion

Piedmont, OklahomaJul 07, 20020 Comments

patrol unit on okla. county side of road.

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