Rush Springs, Oklahoma Speed Traps
US 81
Speed drops from 70 to 45 with little warning and there sits the officer just around the bend. The car is NOT visible until you’re in the trap.
At the intersection of Highway 81 & 17.
The small town of Rush Springs probably makes most of their revenue at this intersection. They are usually watching the south bound lanes. As you approach the intersection from the north, the speed limit goes from 70 to 45 and you are coming down off a hill. Sometimes they are south of the intersection watching the northbound lanes but you never know which one they are pointed at.
Highway 81
Rush Springs police are using unmarked cars to radar gun motorists as they enter the zone where the speed changes from 70 to 45. The unmarked cars relay the info to officers in police vehicles who make the traffic stops.
While driving down highway 81, I was distracted by an all-black hatchback car with black tinted windows. It matched my speed (70mph) then suddenly slowed down a lot. I looked in my rear view mirror and saw a white circle flash in the car’s windshield. I was startled and puzzled, then I realized it was probably a radar gun flash and I suddenly saw the 45mph sign ahead. I hit my brakes and slowed down immediately. Then I saw a police SUV ahead at the intersection. The officer turned on his lights and pulled me over. I am almost certain that he did not radar gun me or witness me speeding, as I wasn’t in his view when I was distracted by the black car and speeding.
Be very careful when passing through this area. Rush Springs has no qualms about using unmarked cars to follow and radar gun motorists and having officers issue citations for speeding incidents they do not personally witness or radar.
US 81 at Rush Springs
Up to three police vehicles sit like vultures along US 81 at Rush Springs. Its all about the money, Rush Springs is a small town with little sales tax revenue. The police force has tripled in size in the last thirty years with no way to pay for same except by writing citations. The citizens of Rush Springs are good examples of people who don’t want to pay for their own costs, they prefer to prey on people simply passing by town. I don’t know about you, but I am against big-government and Rush Springs is a classic example of government grown well beyond the means of it’s citizens’ ability or willingness to pay for it themselves.
Hwy 81 Rush Springs.
Yes this is a big speed trap. THey even ticketed the police chief of Marlow several years ago. But the signs are all posted. Just follow the signs and you won’t get stopped.