Fort Erie, Ontario Speed Traps

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Bernard rd & Nigh rd

Fort Erie, OntarioMar 20, 20100 Comments

They park on Nigh rd and walk across Bernard with the radar gun pointing down the road.Just looks like someone walking across the road from far away.

QEW between Peace Bridge and Sodom Rd.

Fort Erie, OntarioJan 27, 20100 Comments

On the QEW towards Toronto, right after getting off the Peace Bridge, there is a pull-off/parking area to the right. In it, especially in the evening, is almost always an OPP officer, lights off and only noticeable as soon as you pass him.

State Highway #3 near Ridge Road

Fort Erie, OntarioJun 27, 20080 Comments

80Kph zone, cop sits at the top of the hill on N side.

State Highway #3 near Rosehill Road

Fort Erie, OntarioJun 27, 20080 Comments

70Kph zone but 4 lane highway. Cop often hides in Rosehill Auction parking lot or Town Hall drive.

Bertie Street near Concession Road

Fort Erie, OntarioMay 18, 20080 Comments

NRP sit in the racetrack parking lot across from the Crossroads Travel centre and gas station.

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