Georgetown, Ontario Speed Traps

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Eight Line & 5 Side Road

Georgetown, OntarioApr 21, 20100 Comments

A GMC vans sits facing traffic in the driveway, so that you think its a normal vehicle exiting at the D & G Gardening Centre.

Cops are in the home driveways, and behind the Van preapred to chase people. At first it looked like a sting operation for drugs, but just speeding traps as that road is a 70 /km

The Van clocks your speed and then sends a cruiser out to follow you. The evidence is cited as “video witness”

Trafalgar rd and Hornby Rd

Georgetown, OntarioApr 13, 20100 Comments

Cops sit on Hornby rd for North and Southbound cars. A new speed limit was implemented recently from 80km to 70km per hour. People often speed around the bend and you can’t see the cruisers hidden in the bush or on Hornby rd until the last minute.

Mountainview Road, Georgetown South

Georgetown, OntarioApr 08, 20100 Comments

Police often sit in the Salvation Army parking lot monitoring cars travelling north. Speed drops from 60km/h to 50km/h going up the hill.

8th Line & Just north of 15th Side Road (In the church)

Georgetown, OntarioMar 12, 20100 Comments

Cops typically wait in the driveway of the church (because you cannot see them until it’s too late) with their radar guns. It is only a 50 there, but just south of 15th Sideroad it turns to a 70, so people are pretty anxious to speed up!

guelph st Avenue near Guelph Street

Georgetown, OntarioJun 15, 20080 Comments

Wetsbound coming up hill from Norval hides just before esso gas station

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