Hamilton, Ontario Speed Traps

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Oak Ridges Dr. (Formally Northumberland 9)

Hamilton, OntarioFeb 25, 20101 Comments

Feb 24th 2010… Going East an unmarked car sits on south shoulder about half way between the dump and Burnham Rd….. only when you get very close do you notice interior flashers. (Hamilton, ON near Bewdley, ON)

King St W Street near Hwy 403

Hamilton, OntarioOct 17, 20081 Comments

As you pass Dundurn everybody speeds up a little and after the 403 ramp it cuts back to 2 lanes on the left side is an apartment building and the police hid in the parking lot and jump out at you.

Upper James Street near Brantdale Avenue

Hamilton, OntarioSep 18, 20080 Comments

Just before Brantdale heading Southbound on Upper James- Always doing Radar- Changes from 70 to a 50 just before you get to the top of the mountain access. Police hide behind or blend in with a pole then jump out at you. As well there is a red light camera at Upper James and Brantdale. I got nailed for speeding and a red light camera ticket all in one day! Try to stay away from that area if you can.

Upper Gage Avenue near linc Parkway

Hamilton, OntarioJul 21, 20080 Comments

Cop on bike sits on the bridge of the linc and he is hard to spot and then all of a sudden he will jump out at you to pull you over. Very sneaky…

Centennial prky Expressway

Hamilton, OntarioJun 15, 20080 Comments

Between King St And Queenston Rd, Both Ways

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