Keswick, Ontario Speed Traps
Metro Rd N just south of Bouchier
Police car sits off the road on the w/s hidden by trees. Usually only there on day shift.
Woodbine just north of Ravenshoe
Currently under construction for a putting in a force main, Woodbine has become a speed trap hotbed right now. Not only have they lowered the limit to 60km/h, but if the workers are present, you will get a double whammy. They cruise up and down the stretch during the day, and then once the crews leave, sit in the lanes under construction to get you with the gun.
Glenwoods Ave – Jersey Public School
Heading west towards the Lake between Woodbine and The Queensway (Leslie St) the speed limit changes from 80 to 50 at the hill. There are two schools, a church parking lot and subsidized housing where the police will be.
Leslie St. – Btwn Boag Rd. & Ravenshoe Rd.
Private driveway on east side of Leslie early mornings 80 zone and traffic flows at 100.
Metro Rd N + Dougall Dell (south of Boyers)
Small short side street bit hidden to the West of Metro Rd N just north of the Orchard Beach Golf + Country Club, South of Boyers Rd