Markham, Ontario Speed Traps
Reesor Rd Stouffville, Ontario
Markhan/Stoufville a Speeders Spider Web
A friend an i were travelling up Reesor Rd. today from the bottom at Steeles all the way to Bloomington, about 30 KM. We were talking about this speeding fine stuff and what a blatant money grab it was and I remarked that we were passing literally miles of farmers fields and the occasional farmhouse but yet the speed limit was a constant 60 KM’s, dipping to 50 KM.s the minute you got to within 100yds of a side rd. I remarked that some councillor, hopefully long dead, set this up to make the town more money and they never changed it back. Within 200yds of that remark I blew through the 1st radar trap doing a respectable 70 KM’s (I had been at 85KM’s which should have been normal for a wide open side road but our discussion slowed me down). Apparently, this is normal for that area.
John St west of Leslie/Don Mills
West bound John after Leslie downhill near a bunch of townhouses or at one of the side roads on the north side.
Don Mills North of Steeles
This stretch’s speed limit is only 50Km, radar are either at the Bus stop at the North East intersection of Simonston catching north bound speeders (most weekdays) or at the South west intersection of Simonston catching south bound traffics, both found out too late after the bend of the playground/park. 2 or more police cars ate there, it’s a cash cow.
Major Mackenzie Drive between Warden & Woodbine
The zone drops from 80 to 70 after Warden and once you go over the bridge be carefull they are usually sitting on the Jennings gate rd this is going west from Warden to Woodbine on Major Mackenzie drive in Markham.
Donald Cousens Parkway Before Ninth Line
One or sometimes two cops sit on Fieldside Street to catch drivers coming down the Boxgrove Bypass and southwest down the Donald Cousens Parkway. Sometimes you can see the cop car sticking out of the Fieldside Street, but other times they will conceal the car well and you can’t see the cops until it’s too late.