Mississauga, Ontario Speed Traps

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Tomken Road near Just South of Britannia

Mississauga, OntarioSep 14, 20060 Comments

they sit in the mall parking lot just north of the 401 and just south of britannia practically everyday between 9am and 2pm

Burnhampthorpe Road near East mall

Mississauga, OntarioJun 25, 20060 Comments

cops sit int he parking lot of the mall at the corner of the shell gas station.
when you round the bend going towards the east mall you are pulled over and ticketed

Bloor Street near Mill Road

Mississauga, OntarioJun 25, 20060 Comments

police officer sists in the parking lot to the building of the apartment on bloor street, waiting for drivers entering into missagua as this is the etobicoke cut off.
they use the photo radar and as soon as you, cross the bridge you are caught.

The Credit Woodlands Road near Burnhamthorpe Road

Mississauga, OntarioJun 23, 20060 Comments

Visual enforcement, also checks for seatbelt and stop sign violations

State Highway 409 West near Network Road

Mississauga, OntarioApr 13, 20060 Comments

This trap was completely and obviously built by the city. There is a nice little paved ramp right after an overpass, and the speed limit is an exceedingly low 60km/h on a 400 series highway (100km/h standard speed limit) two full exits before entering the Toronto airport highway section. The police aim their radar directly at you as you hit the "60km begins" zone, most certainly going at least 80km/h (as the speed is reduced from 100km/h to 80km/h just before).

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