Newmarket, Ontario Speed Traps
Leslie Street near Davis Drive
Leslie Street Southbound South of Davis, acros from liquor store. They hide behind the bus shelter
Bathurst Street
morning, day, night, weekends. Parks on Sykes to catch north bound traffic as they come around a small bend an start down hill. Posted speed is 60KM
St . Johns Side Road near Youge Street
hides at the bottom of the hill in a driveway, around the horse farms
Mulock Drive near Firth Court
Yrp cruiser parks on Firth Ct.Radar tripot is on Mulock Dr.sidewalk catching traffic going West bound.
US Highway 9 near State Highway 400
Highway 9 has recently become a hotbed of speed limit enforcement. I take it from Tottenham to Newmarket every day and there are traps set up in several places. Starting at Tottenham Road and heading East, there are several locations – usually just over hill crests and often parked on the dirt sideroads leading onto 9. Just before you get to Highway 400 there is a pull-off adjacent to the river there where they love to set up laser traps.
Heading West from Newmarket there are several traps already mentioned (i.e. Cardinal golf course) but my favourite is the cop with the unmarked cruiser on the north side (usually before you get to the golf course) with his hood up and his laser gun on a tripod just at the front fender. As you approach it looks like a disabled vehicle and people ignore it at their peril.
Also, as mentioned, Highway 9 between the 400 and Newmarket has painted markers for aircraft enforcement.