Newmarket, Ontario Speed Traps
bayview Road near Wellington Road
Going north on Bayview from Wellington, there are ALWAYS speedtraps on th east side of bayview going north. Limit is 60km a/hr but will pull you over for anything over 5kms.
They’re there almost everynight.
Bathurst Road near Davis Drive Road
going north or south on Bathurst, cops are always parked just south of Davis on the east side. Theres a side road with bushes and a hill on both sides hiding the cops quite well until you’ve pasted them.
Davis Drive near Keele Street
Officers park in the entrance to Cardinal Golf Club and catch drivers headed west towards highway 400. They some times also sit across the road and catch drivers headed eastbound.
State Highway 9 near Driveway to someones house
As you are heading west on Highway 9, from Bathurst towards HIghway 400, there are cops at the bottom of a hill. The hill is just after bathurst going west and they are at the bottom. See them there almost everyday at 2pm – 3:30pm, clocking people going west.
Leslie Street, South of Davis Drive
East side of leslie in the Nissan dealership parking lot.