Newmarket, Ontario Speed Traps
Leslie North of Gorham
the officers usually set up their tripod just north of the liquor store, 2-3 unmarked cars to catch you after the speed limit reduction at gorham. really hot on saturdays.
keele street below 19th sideroad (extension of mulock)
police sit in driveway of a riding school on East side, just north of road from Kettleby village. Speed limit is 50 but your car just wants to go 80 thru there. big moneymaker.
Green Lane east of Main Street
They sit in the driveway to the conservation area on the North side of Green Lane,east of the river(also the driving range driveway) catch speeders going westbound, across the road in the access right of way for hydro catching eastbound drivers
Mulock Dr. just east of Bayview Ave.
The cops like to hang out at a bus stop on the right (north side of Mulock Dr) and catch the west bound traffic. I believe the speed limit is 60km. Basically, after you cross Leslie St., you come over a crest of a hill and the cops will be about a km down the road but they can easily see you at the crest. You have to have good eyes to spot them from that distance. I’ve seen up to 3 cruisers and they always have a tripod set-up next to the bus stop. Good luck.