Scarborough, Ontario Speed Traps
Taunton Road near Bear Road
Heading east on Taunton Rd. just after York Durham 30 Line speed limit is reduced from 80 km an hour to 60 km an hour. The radar is set up in the entrance way of Wittamore’s farm.
Conlins Road near Ellesmere Road
Cops sit at the corner of Conlins and Canmore, right at the four way stop (signs). The speed limit is 50 km/hr and they are there almost everyday. morning noon and night.
Midland Road near Lawrence Avenue
When driving on Midland Road south of Lawrence an officer usually has radar setup behind the bustop at Lisa rd. There is a school right there changing the speed limit to 50 Kph for that stretch of Midland.
Morningside Avenue near Ellesmere Avenue
South of Ellesmere north of Kingston Road on Morningside Avenue. Located on east side of Morningside past Morningside Park. This effects southbound vehicles on Morningside Avenue. Radar location is at top of hill just south of school.
Kingston Road near Chine Drive
Eastbound the trap is located by St. Theresa Catholic School. One Officer hiding behind a hydro pole using a radar gun with a chase car. Westbound the trap is located right at Chine Drive just east of Heritage Ford. Again one officer with a radar gun accompanied by a chase car. Both radars are hidden until its too late.