Sudbury, Ontario Speed Traps

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south of 4 corners on Regent st south

Sudbury, OntarioJul 08, 20100 Comments

Hwy 69 south coming in from southern ontario to Sudbury between the bypass and Cam street. Police site on the right hand shoulder picking of the traffic as it comes in to the city 80 km per hour to 60 km per hour
just past the petro pass truck stop.

Hill leading into Lively

Sudbury, OntarioJun 24, 20100 Comments

Police sit below crest of hill waiting for vehicles proceeding down the hill, but can monitor vehicles going up the hill. They sit on the road leading to the Walden Day Care centre. Regional Road 24.

Frood Road (down the hill from MCTV)

Sudbury, OntarioJun 10, 20100 Comments

Turning off Lasalle Blvd onto Frood, the limit is 60km/h. As you pass MCTV it drops to 50km/h and you start rolling down the hill. Just as you come down the hill, they often sit in the trees to the right just after you pass the "Kids Playing/Playground" sign right across from Shevchenko. I’ve seen them nab a ton of people letting it ride down the hill!

between fielding road and magill street

Sudbury, OntarioApr 14, 20100 Comments

cruiser sitting in crossover road near mto yard

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