Toronto, Ontario Speed Traps
The East Mall south of Rathburn Rd
Heading southbound on The East Mall, just south of Rathburn Rd. Positioned in the driveway of the apartment complex on the west side opposite the elementary school. I was driving at the limit, so wasn’t caught.
North Brimley Rd @ St. Andrews, North Thomson Park
Just north of Thomson Park the street called St Andrews is where they sit and wait (have for 30+ years). Just at Thomson Park you are at the top of a hill (set of lights Dorcot) and they are catching you as you crest the hill and go down. Speed limit is 60km
Shaw St S of Dupont N of Bloor
I see a marked car generally hiding on a side street and pulling over cars and cyclists along Shaw St. Has been seen most days for the last month between 8 and 10 am.
Hallam St at Bartlett Ave
Generally a marked car on Hallam Street near Bartlett Ave between 7 am and 10 am near Bartlett Ave/Dovercourt School during the school year. They are ticketing illegal left turns from Dufferin St, speeding (30 km/h on such a wide street) and improper stops by the school.
Eglinton Ave. heading W after Don Mills Rd
After heading through the light at Don Mills Rd., travelling down a steep hill on Eglinton Ave, the police hide behind a railway overpass on the right and nab unsuspecting drivers who naturally accelerate due to the grade of the hill.