Toronto, Ontario Speed Traps

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Eglinton Ave, just north of Leslie West bound

Toronto, OntarioJun 01, 20010 Comments

laser is set up just under the train bridge north of Leslie. West bound cars are targeted, extremely hard to go speed limit here on this downhill. NEVER EVER speed between donmills and leslie!!

Bloor Danforth Viaduct

Toronto, OntarioMay 01, 20010 Comments

Police park in the driveway, just off the eastbound side of the bridge. Focused on the cars leaving downtown, from late night to early morning.

Don Valley Parkway from 401 all the way to Eastern ave.

Toronto, OntarioMar 01, 20010 Comments

This is the GREEDIEST speed trap in the world. The stretch of road takes about 10 min to drive if you follow the speed limit, and about 25 if you dont. The distance is about 2 miles, with plenty of places for them to hide. I regularly see four patrol cars at 3 am, two with customers. About halfway through the speed drops from 90 kmph (which is already low for a 3 lane highway) to 60 kmph. The police must rake in at least 50 grand a night, because the fine for 30 over is 300 bucks. It is known to highway and local patrol as a very good fishing spot. They won’t bother with 10 or 15 over, ’cause that is only 100 or 150, and a big one might get away. Do NOT speed here under any circumstances. It is a war zone. All radar detecting and jamming equipment is not only insufficient in these circumstances, it is also illegal, and will get you another fine.

bayview avenue, crescent school

Toronto, OntarioJan 01, 20010 Comments

Police car concealed behind one of the many trees in the Crescent School grounds and impossible to see when dark. Targets northbound traffic on Bayview. Works to late hours of night and early morning.

Hwy 404 and Finch Ave

Toronto, OntarioAug 01, 20000 Comments

Hwy. 404 Northbound pass Finch Ave. in the center median (3 lane Hwy.). Police laser set up and also pulling you over right there in the left curb lane.

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