Whitby, Ontario Speed Traps
Winchester Rd
Going west on Winchester between Anderson and St. Thomas, DRP sits on a side street on the north side where the Flower Shop and Precision Auto is. They like to sit there between 7-8am. 50 km zone….be careful
Rossland Rd just west of Country Lane.
Cruiser will sit on the right hand side of the road on a side street, when you come through the lights at country lane and start heading down the hill, if your speeding he’s already got ya. Limit is 60 through here, watch it.
Thickson Road near Rossland Road
On Thickson southbound between Rossland and Manning. There’s usually a cruiser parked on a side street and an officer with radar on the west side of Thickson just south of the firestation at Manning. They are focused mainly on southbound drivers who speed through the Rossland street lights and are not looking far ahead.
Bloor Street near Simcoe Street
I’ve been caught here twice…it’s actually between Simcoe and Ritson