Windsor, Ontario Speed Traps
50 KM/H
Banwell road on a side street after the old age home going south and going north it will be the first side street after the lights SPEED IS 50 NOT 60But 50
Riverside Drive East just west of Devonshire Road
Cruiser usually parked in Childrens Aid Building lot, as it’s hidden out of view because there’s a bend in the road there. Usually they nail drivers heading east on Riverside toward Walker & Drouillard roads.
EC Row at Huron Church road exit
Cruiser pulls off the right side of the Eastbound EC Row expressway and hides behind the exit ramp sign leading to Huron Church Road. Cruiser is facing West, aiming radar toward the Malden road overpass to catch speeders heading East as they come over the overpass hill. Area the Cruiser hides in is very well camouflaged with tall cat-tail like weeds and the exit sign. Speed limit is 100km/h in this area.
EC Row and Lesperance.
Opp sitting on shoulder closest to cemetary. Usually around 3 in the morning.