Beaverton, Oregon Speed Traps

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SW Teal Street near Traffic Circle at 155th in Murryahill

Beaverton, OregonFeb 26, 20040 Comments

On SW Teal, the speed limit is 40 mph. On 155th, which is an identical street in appearance and design, the speed is 25 mph. These two streets intersect. At the traffic circle it is easy to transition from the faster street of teal onto the slower street of 155th and not realize that the speed limit has dropped 15 mph! Additionally, Beaverton police will sit at this intersection on motorbike and look for drivers rolling through the all-way stop and failure to yield once within the traffic circle.

Sexton Mountain Road near Murray Street

Beaverton, OregonJan 26, 20040 Comments

There is a marked photoradar van parked on the side of the road,at the bottom of the sexton mountain park, right before sexton mt road intersects with murray blvd. It’s difficult to spot the van when you’re going 35mph, the posted speed limit is 30. The van is more noticeable after you’re coming out of the curve and this is well in range of the van’s radar. Most people get flashed before they can even spot the van.

Teal Rd. in Murrayhill

Beaverton, OregonAug 27, 20030 Comments

Motorcycle patrol near Washington Mutual looking for east bound traffic coming around the slight bend near Osprey. Lots of trees, so hard to see the motorcycle officer. Speed limit is 35 and area goes from residential to light business/retail. Beaverton cops…need I say more?

SW 5th Street, near the intersection of SW Lombard AVE

Beaverton, OregonAug 19, 20030 Comments

Traveling west on SW 5th St. toward Beaverton High School, after crossing over train tracks, there is often a white photo radar van sitting in front of some apartments near the intersection of 5th street and Lombard. The van often sits on the right side of the road where users of the apartments park their vehicles. However, there are often white vans that do not belong to law enforcement parked in this area. Posted speed limit for 5th St. is 35mph, use caution near appartments.

Canyon Rd & 87th.

Beaverton, OregonJun 11, 20030 Comments

Traffic coming off Hwy26 heading west down Canyon Road is met by Police with radar and with photo radar. I live above Canyon Road and watch 6 or 7 cars an hour picked off by patrol cars sitting at the bottom of the hill near 87th.

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