Brookings, Oregon Speed Traps
Hwy. 101 from Calif. border to Chetco Bridge
Heading north from Ca. border on Hwy. 101 is a 5 mile long straight stretch and lots of spots for the ever present State Police (usually 2 cars) to nail you, and they do. Posted speed drops from 55 to 45 a few miles into it. Lots of citations written regularly in this area.
Interstate 101 Neear Parkview Drive
This is in reference to an area you already have listed as a speed trap. This area is no longer a speed trap. A friend and I were instrumental in getting the speed limit raised from 20mph to 35mph in this area eliminating the problem.
HWY 101 Near Chetco River Road
If you come out of Port of Brookings Harbor onto 101, be prepared for cops. They get you in a 25 mile zone where it is 4 lanes, and the speed limit sign is obscured by branches, about 100 yards north of a 35 mile zone.
Interstate 101 near Parkview Drive
20 MPH School Speed Zone on Interstate Hwy 101 between Ransom Ave. and Parkview Dr. at the North end of Brookings,OR in front of the Nazarene Church. Officers hide in bushes on Beach Ave. across from entrance to Nazarene Church.
US Highway 101 near oak Street
early morning beore 7a.m., patrol car sits in eastside parking lot of medical center facing north