Burns, Oregon Speed Traps

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Burns Oregon going into Idaho

Burns, OregonMay 09, 20160 Comments

Speed limit changes from 75 to 65 just before overpass. Cop sits on overpass and gets you as you pass underneath! My ticket was $184.00!!!! But he said I could come back and contest it the following Wednesday (this was Saturday)…We were on our way to Boise, so no way would I be back.
What a ripoff!!!!!!!

Just E. of Library as Hwy 20 drops down hill & around corner

Burns, OregonApr 28, 20100 Comments

Speed limit in town is 25. Downhill looks like it is out of town and should be 35 mph but it isn’t yet. By the time one reaches 35 mph one wants to be doing 45 mph, but don’t! Wait til you reach the 45 mph sign or be sorry!

The whole town

Burns, OregonApr 17, 20100 Comments

beware! Cash hungry barney fifes!

US Highway 20/395 wext of Burns to 395 junction near Mile Marker 100 to 124

Burns, OregonJul 26, 20080 Comments

Both State police and county police patrol this stretch of highway and will give tickets for anything over 6mph of the posted speed limit. Limit is 55mph.

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