Central Point, Oregon Speed Traps

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Across the street fro Piolt truck stop. In the empty lot.

Central Point, OregonFeb 19, 20111 Comments

Central Point cop sits there daily.specially in nice weather. Have been notcing a Sheriff sitting there at night.

East side of Pine St & Penninger Lane Intersection

Central Point, OregonApr 01, 20100 Comments

Across the street from the Pilot truckstop, an officer backs up to the bear creek bridge (headed west, hidden behind the guardrail) he walks up to the end of the guardrail and radars cars headed west into Central Point on Pine St.

Interstate 5 near Blackwell Road

Central Point, OregonJan 05, 20040 Comments

A State Police will sit at the bottom of the North bound lane of I5 behind some bruch and record on coming cars. This is just North of the North Central Point exit, exit 35 I believe.

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