Coburg, Oregon Speed Traps

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I-5 MP 195-205

Coburg, OregonMay 30, 20170 Comments


Interstate 5 near Mile Marker 199

Coburg, OregonMay 25, 20071 Comments

Local Coburg law enforcement officers will sit on the interstate that runs near the town. Enforcement is usually a motorcycle officer sitting under the overpass at exit 199 but could be located anywhere between m.p. 198 to m.p. 201

Interstate 5 near Coburg

Coburg, OregonMar 06, 20060 Comments

I-5 citations still big part of Coburg funds. The controversial speed patrols have led to two efforts by state legislators to halt Coburg’s practice of raising up to half its annual operating funds by ticketing I-5 drivers. Coburg has the state’s largest per capita police force. In fact, citation revenue is coming in at a rate of about $53,000 per month.

Interstate 5 near Mile Marker 199

Coburg, OregonFeb 17, 20050 Comments

I-5 exit 199 Coburg, Oregon

Interstate I 5 near Mile Marker 204

Coburg, OregonJun 23, 20040 Comments

Local police go out to the interstate to gain revenues by targeting interstate travelers. Their cars look like state trooper cruisers.

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