Garibaldi, Oregon Speed Traps
East edge of town, U.S. 101
Going on U.S. 101 southbound, just before one leaves town, I noticed a marked cop car off to the left (north side of road) at least several car lengths off the road in a gravel parking lot and an open wooden fence. As I recall, a bank was nearby. This seems to be the place the other posted noted as the speed trap in Garibaldi. I’m sure, though, that the cop nails people going either way, as their car was pointed facing the road (perpendicular).
101 as you enter town of Garibaldi, Tillamook county
101 between Bay City and Garibaldi is 55mph. You round a big curve just before Garibaldi from the south. The speed limit drops to 40mph, and then to 30mph, but the 40 mph speed limit is partially obscured by bushes and growth on the hillside until you get right on it. As you enter town at dusk the county sheriff is waiting with a radar gun just inside the 30 mph speed limit sign, so, if you blinked or otherwise missed the change from 55 to 40, you are behind the power curve in getting to 30 mph before the radar gets you above 30mph.