Grande Ronde, Oregon Speed Traps
westbound junction hwy 22/hwy 18
As you come off of the 22 onto the 18 the ramp is posted 45,but since the rebuild it is easy to do 55 safely. The police hide on the 18 just east of the ramp and radar you as you accelerate to merge. You cannot safely look for where they hide due to the extreme angle you would have to twist your neck. the Roadway has a speed limit of 55 but the ramp speed is enforced to the end of the pavement width extension. If you accelerate before you merge you will be ticketed and you cannot beat this one – I’ve been caught twice and nailed both times. This whole stretch of roadway has been redone and the State added another lane each direction but has not re-evaluated the safe speed limit. This stretch is straight,flat, and wide, with no visual obstructions (trees,hills,etc.) so you feel safe at 65 – watch out,it’s still 55 there !!