Grants Pass, Oregon Speed Traps

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Hwy 199

Grants Pass, OregonJan 02, 20130 Comments

The area from just past Redwood Avenue to beyond the college….it’s a 50 MPH zone and many get caught going 60+.

Union St .

Grants Pass, OregonMar 02, 20120 Comments

Just past the hospital next to G P Motors

Interstate 5 Exit 66 (Hugo) Southbound

Grants Pass, OregonMay 23, 20101 Comments

Oregon State Police Troopers park just off the entrance ramp and wait for speeders coming down off Mt. Sexton. Their next spot is just past exit 66 at the Manzanita Rest Area.

South Side Road about a mile from Murphy

Grants Pass, OregonMay 05, 20102 Comments

The speed on this stretch of rural road goes from 45 mph to 25 mph for a short distance, then back to 45 again. There are no schools, sharp curves, dangerous driving conditions or any other reason (except for a very fancy house) for this drop in speed. Street lights have also been installed on this short stretch. Anybody know which politician lives there?

Interstate 5 near Mile Marker 61

Grants Pass, OregonAug 17, 20070 Comments

Oregon State Police will be working either north or south bound lanes just beyond crest of hill between milemarkers 58 and 61.

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