Jacksonville, Oregon Speed Traps
south stage road, right at the bottom of of belanger hill
Sheriffs will wait and hide in hidden driveways or behind trees to catch people speeding coming downhill
South Stage Road near Bellinger Lane
Coming west towards Jacksonville on open country road with a prevailing speed limit of about 45 and a typical flow at 50 – 55mph the speed limit drops suddenly to 25mph. Shortly after the sign and on a downhill where you are likely to not be dropping to 25 or even 35 just yet (as no signs of "urbaness" are immeadiatly visible) unless you are fairly agressively braking the local cops sit on the right side taking pictures. In short: When approaching Jacksonville look carefully for any 25mph signs and drop down to 30 promptly even if it looks like conditions are suitable for much more..
California Street near Wells Fargo Road
Cops tend to hangout in Jacksonville looking for people to bust. Be careful.
Hwy 238
west into J-ville: 55 to 45 to 35mph pretty well marked & sporadically enforced, 20mph at cross walk to Britt Gardens first sign often obscured by trees, speed limit strictly enforced (usually visible by crosswalk)
east into j-ville: 45 to 35 pretty well marked, PD often in inside curve across from Texaco.
overall: PD are professional, but keep in mind this is a tourist town with lots of foot traffic, & pedestrian right-of-way/safety are a priority. Also, parking strictly enforced during Britt Festival & other big events: don’t trespass on marked business lots or you’ll get towed.