King City, Oregon Speed Traps

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Fischer Road near State Highway 99W

King City, OregonMay 01, 20060 Comments

The stretch between OR 99W and 131st Street is heavily monitored, with car or motorcycle officer typically stationed either at the Space Age gas station, or hidden in the shadows between parked cars. The speed limit is 25mph.

SW 131st south to Fisher Rd. and East on Fisher Rd. to Pacific Hwy. Also On Beef Bend Rd between SW 131st and Pacific Hwy.

King City, OregonNov 01, 20011 Comments

King City has one patrol car and the city uses it to bring in virtually all of the city’s annual revenues. The city of King City even annexed a small cul-de-sac off of Fisher Rd. that allowed them to hide patrol cars and use ticket revenue from the state that weren’t previously allowed between the cul-de-sac and hwy 99.They can now collect all ticket revenues from the state on that three block stretch of roadway. The patrol car isn’t used to patrol through the streets of King City, only for ticket revenue on the borders of the city.

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