La Grande, Oregon Speed Traps

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I-84 East-bound MP 244

La Grande, OregonNov 02, 20111 Comments

Oregon Police Officer sits on freeway on-ramp. My Cobra radar detector did not alert me and I did not see him until I was on-top of him and it was too late. Not sure if some type of radar jamming or stealth equipment was used to block my radar.

I 84 Exit 259

La Grande, OregonSep 10, 20110 Comments

There is a large overpass leading to the business loop in La Grande, which, when headed east, is just after a major bend in the freeway. The freeway runs next to a small river and it’s very easy to speed in this part of I 84, and it’s very easy for Oregon State Troopers to spot you from several positions along this section of the road.

I 84 Westbound, Reynolds rest area, mile marker 269

La Grande, OregonSep 10, 20110 Comments

Headed westbound on I 84 and coming out of Ladd Canyon, there’s a rather hidden on ramp from a service road (there’s no off ramp, and it comes from below the freeway). Both there, and near the Reynolds Rest Area several hundred yards ahead, Oregon State Troopers will frequently be found with their radar aimed at the west bound traffic racing out of the canyon.

Interstate 84 at the Foothill Road Exit

La Grande, OregonFeb 13, 20110 Comments

A cop pretty consistently sits just off the on ramp facing the west-bound lane. You can’t see him going West until you’re already past it. He’s there so much that there is a track in the dirt where he always drives off the ramp.

Interstate 84 near Summit Road

La Grande, OregonMay 11, 20040 Comments

The officer likes to hide on the off ramp. Gunning people coming down the hill from the summit. You can’t see him until the last minute. So when you see the "summit road one-mile" sign. Slow down!

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