Lincoln, Oregon Speed Traps
State Route 101 near 21st Street
Police/pedestrian in diagonal and unsigned crosswalk on a bend in US 101 at 21st Street to enforce ‘education’ of traffic law. Officer quickly stepped into traffic – nearly causing an accident- to entrap drivers with a crosswalk violation. Trial by affidavit and it took 6 months to get a reply – with a fine of $197. Blatant revenue enhancement.
State Highway Pacific Coast
Zone is highly enforced south of Starbucks through town. There is a curfew and teenagers are hauled in frequently past midnight as they probably should be.
State Highway 101 Southbound near 21st Street
I was heading South bound on 101 through commercial district in moderate to dense traffic when officer pulled me over for speeding. He was using MPH Speedgun in moving mode. Heavy traffic seemed to make use of radar difficult.
US Highway 101 near US Highway 101
Oregon enacted, effective 7/1/04, a state wide, 24/7, 365 day school speed law. All school zones, whether children are present or not, shall be 20 miles per hour. On Hiway 101 in front to D-Lake school (an abandoned school) the school zone is posted Northbound but, not posted Southbound. Be very carefull – they ticket, even after midnight. This new law is known, in Oregon, as the "speed trap legalization law".