McMinnville, Oregon Speed Traps

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City of McMinnville

McMinnville, OregonApr 16, 20100 Comments

McMinnville PD aggressively enforces all traffic violations. Expect to get stopped and talked to, at the very least, if you get noticed committing any violation.

On McDaniel Street Between 19th and Hwy 99W

McMinnville, OregonMar 16, 20100 Comments

The speed limit is 20 mph during school hours because it borders Patton Middle School. A motorcycle cop loves to park on one of the side streets or in Wortman Park.

Baker Creek Road near US Highway 99 West

McMinnville, OregonMay 22, 20074 Comments

Either church parking lot, Bethel and the Church of Latter Day Saints. Bethel is usually enforced during school hours while the LDS Church has a car at night on weekends to catch people speeding before the end of the speed zone.

NE Riverside Drive near Joe Dancer Park

McMinnville, OregonJun 22, 20040 Comments

When traveling on this road, if comming from the direction of town, it goes from a 35 to a 45. The road is completely tavelable at a speed of 45 the entire way if not all the way until you get to the taffic light at the mouth of Riverside Dr. towards town. Now, if you travel twoards town as if from the inner parts of Riverside Dr., you will find that the road goes to 35 which is sudden and on a hill that goes around a curve. The only reasonable way I can even see that this road should have a 35 speed limit is because of a mobile home park that is on the side of the road that Joe Dancer Park resides.

Highway 18 going west

McMinnville, OregonOct 05, 20034 Comments

At the exit to Dayton a police car is waiting for you (speed is 55,as passing Evergreen museum a police car is on the right side,2 miles later the speed drop to 45 just before the red light and again they will be another police car waiting,few miles later ,right after a curve and under a bridge.In town if you go more than 10 miles over speed limit they will stop you.

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